Ideal suite for system integrators, with thorough system configuration and protection tools, versatile APIs, diverse industrial protocols and high-availability connectivity services.

ASUS IoT Middleware simplifies system customization and application development on ASUS IoT platforms, by providing easy-to-use tools to configure and protect systems. It takes just a few clicks to configure a plethora of interfaces and options, including GPIO, UART, I2C, I2S, SPI, PWM, boot logo, power-on schedule, fan-trigger thresholds, watchdog and more.

The suite also provides a rich set of APIs that empower you to take full advantage of ASUS hardware. These include an SDK, sample code and programming guides. It also offers cross-platform support for Windows, Linux and Android.

In addition to the provision of industrial protocols such as Modbus, MQTT, BACnet, ASUS IoT Middleware enables automatic network recovery and network failover to eliminate worries about disconnections — and ensuring that systems are always online and available.
In short, ASUS IoT Middleware is designed to minimize development time and Maximize your differentiation across the ASUS IoT ecosystem.