ASUS IoT systems can use machine learning and connect to cameras to monitor and regulate traffic, adjusting traffic-light phasing based on the volume of vehicles.

Cameras and sensors capture and share video, audio and vehicle location, giving first responders and real-time data for planning. Smart cameras can see accidents and trigger emergency response.

ASUS IoT edge computers connected to smart streetlights adjust brightness automatically, saving energy, collecting data for policy improvement and displaying multimedia content for public information or promotion.

ASUS IoT ALPR provides accurate plate recognition, enabling capacity checks to reduce congestion and increase satisfaction across public parking resources.

Discover our products
Industrial motherboards
Edge computers
COM-E modules
High quality for reliable operation
Smart Border Management with ASUS IoT PE4000G
1. Mckinsey & Company, Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future, 2018.
2. Mckinsey & Company, Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future, 2018.
3.Mckinsey & Company, Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future, 2018.